Neighbourhood Safer Places (10K-250K) (1)
Neighbourhood Safer Places (<10K) (2)
Emergency Services (10K-100K) (3)
| Ambulance Station |
| Fire Station |
| Fire Station (Forest Industry) |
| Police Station |
| SES Unit |
Emergency Services (<10K) (4)
| Ambulance Station |
| Fire Station |
| Fire Station (Forest Industry) |
| Police Station |
| SES Unit |
Gates on roads (5)
Towns (>2M) (7)
Towns (1M-2M) (8)
Towns (500K-1M) (9)
Towns (250K-500K) (10)
Towns (100K-250K) (11)
Towns (50K-100K) (12)
Towns (<50K) (13)
Topographic Features (14)
Excavation Sites (15)
Roads (>2M) (17)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
Roads (1M-2M) (18)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| Main Road |
Roads (500K-1M) (19)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| Main Road |
Roads (250K-500K) (20)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| Main Road |
Roads (100K-250K) (21)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| Main Road |
| Other Road |
Roads (50K-100K) (22)
| Freeway |
| Highway |
| Highway Unsealed |
| Main Road |
| Minor Road |
Roads-closed (<50K) (23)
Roads (10K-50K) (24)
| Freeway |
| Highway Sealed |
| Highway Unsealed |
| Arterial Road Sealed |
| Arterial Road Unsealed |
| Sealed Road |
| Unsealed Road |
| Private Access |
| 2wd |
| 4wd |
| Bicycle / Walking Track |
| Proposed Road |
Roads (<10K) (25)
| Freeway |
| Highway Sealed |
| Highway Unsealed |
| Arterial Road Sealed |
| Arterial Road Unsealed |
| Sealed Road |
| Unsealed Road |
| Private Access |
| 2wd |
| 4wd |
| Bicycle / Walking Track |
| Proposed Road |
Strategic Fire Access (26)
Roads (greater than 50K) (28)
Roads (less than 50K) (29)
Railway (100K-500K) (31)
Railway (<100K) (32)
Transmission Lines (33)
Public Land Management Overlays (34)
Border (>500K) (36)
| Coastline |
| River |
| Survey Line |
Border (100K-500K) (37)
| Coastline |
| River |
| Survey Line |
Border (<100K) (38)
| Survey Line |
Contours (25K-50K) (40)
Contours (10K-25K) (41)
Contours (<10K) (42)
Waterbody (>1M) (44)
Watercourse (>1M) (45)
Waterbody (500K-1M) (46)
Watercourse (500K-1M) (47)
Waterbody (250K-500K) (48)
| Waterbody |
| Pondage |
| Wetland Area |
| Sewage Treatment |
| Saltpan |
Watercourse (250K-500K) (49)
Waterbody (50K-250K) (50)
| Waterbody |
| Pondage |
| Wetland Area |
| Sewage Treatment |
| Saltpan |
Watercourse (50K-250K) (51)
Waterbody (<50K) (52)
| Waterbody |
| Watercourse |
| Pondage |
| Wetland Area |
| Sewage Treatment |
| Saltpan |
| River Flats |
Watercourse (<50K) (53)
Channel (<50K) (54)
| Main Channel |
| Channel |
| Other |
Watercourse (Named <50K) (55)
Sea (>500K) (57)
Sea (50K-500K) (58)
Sea (<50K) (59)
Property (5K-10K) (61)
Property (<5K) (62)
Plantations (50K-100K) (64)
| Hardwood |
| Softwood |
| Unknown |
Plantations (<50K) (65)
| Hardwood |
| Softwood |
| Unknown |
Tree Cover (50K-250K) (67)
Tree Cover (10K-50K) (68)
Tree Cover (<10K) (69)
Public Land (>500K) (71)
| Parks and Reserves |
| State Forest |
| Other Public Land |
Public Land (100K-500K) (72)
| Parks and Reserves |
| State Forest |
| Other Public Land |
Local Areas (<50K) (73)
| Community space |
| Education centre |
| Emergency facility |
| Hospital |
| Power or industrial facility |
| Pipeline or storage facility |
| Reserve |
| Sport facility |
Public Land (<100K) (74)
| Parks and Reserves |
| State Forest |
| Commonwealth Land |
| Other Public Land |
Built Up Areas (100K-500K) (76)
Built Up Areas (<100K) (77)
Victoria (>500K) (79)
| Other States |
Victoria (<500K) (80)
| Other States |