ArcGIS REST Services Directory
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Incidents_all (MapServer)
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Document Name:
DELWP - CFA Bushfires(0)
DELWP CFA Bushfires - Going(1)
DELWP CFA Bushfires - Contained(2)
DELWP CFA Bushfires - Controlled(3)
DELWP CFA Bushfires - Safe(4)
CFA Other Incidents(6)
CFA Other Incidents - Going(7)
CFA Other Incidents - Controlled(8)
CFA Other Incidents - Safe(9)
SES Incidents - All(11)
SES Incidents - Going(12)
SES Incidents - Type(13)
Active Burns(15)
DELWP Active Burns(16)
CFA Active Burns(17)
Bushfire Observations - Point(18)
Bushfire Observations - Line(19)
Bushfire Observations - Area(20)
Flood Observations - Point(21)
Flood Observations - Line(22)
Flood Observations - Area(23)
Hazmat Observations - Point(24)
Hazmat Observations - Line(25)
Hazmat Observations - Area(26)
Marine - Observation Point(27)
Mapped Burnt Area Overlaps(28)
Burnt Area Unassigned To Incidents(29)
DELWP - CFA Bushfires ALL(30)
Total Fire Ban Permits(31)
DELWP permits to burn / CFA S13 / CFA S14 / FRV(32)
Burn-Offs / Permits - In Progress(33)
Burn-Offs / Permits executed within last 7 days(34)
Permits - In Progress (Under development)(35)
Permits executed within last 7 days (Under development)(36)
Burnt Area Change - last hour(37)
Burnt Area Change - 0-3 hours(38)
Burnt Area Change - 0-12 hours(39)
Burnt Area Change - 0-24 hours(40)
ME - Operation Area(41)
Hazmat Incidents(42)
Bushfire Observations - Area (Public)(43)
Emergency Stabilisation(44)
Incidents - non SES(45)
Hazmat PM2.5 Air Quality(46)
Camp Fire(47)
Cultural Heritage (ES Works)(49)
Traffic Management Point(50)
Layer Options:
All layers as a single composite image (Layers can't be turned on and off in client)
Each layer as a separate image
Vector layers as vectors and raster layers as images